theAsianparent is proud to be the official media partner for the Indonesia International Early Childhood Conference and Exhibition held by Ministry of National Education, Indonesia and Pinnacle Group.
Yesterday was day 1 of the 2 days conference being held at Surabaya, Indonesia. We managed to snag exclusive interviews with some of the biggest names in the Asian Education industry such as David Chiem (Mind Champs), Freddie Chan (Q-dees), Leny Painan (Genius Minds), Dr. Ernest Wong (BizWorld), Dr. Sudjarwo Singowidjojo(Ministry of Education, Indonesia). We are looking forward to meeting with Indonesia’s Minister of National Education, Prof. Dr. IR.H. Mohammad Nuh, DEA as we ll as Ibu Ratna Megawangi, founder of Indonesia Heritage Foundation sometime today.
There are a lot of intresting products and services to check out here so if you live closeby, do drop in sometime today. The exhibition is on till 5:30 pm. It is benig held at Pakuwon Golf and Family club and the entrance to the exhibition is free. Do say hello to us of course if you are here. Our booth is towards the extreme right from the entrance.
Check out these exclusive pictures from yesterday watch out for more details over the next few days.
Apple Tree Pre-school at the conference
Cherie Hearts was there too!
David Chiem mesmerised the delegates
David, sharing his vision for Mind Champs with theAsianaparent
Dr. Ernest Wong recollecting some happy parenting memories
Dr. Ernest Wong in an exclusive interview with theAsianparent
Dr. Sudjarwo Singowidjojo from the Ministry of Education, Indonesia, posing after his talk
Elizabeth from Buah Hati
Freddie from Q-dees Malaysia
June Tham, from Rainbow centre – eloquent as always
Leny and Jackie from Genius minds all smiles in front of our booth!
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