After getting married, there will be a lot of phases that go through. As in the stage that I am currently feeling is pregnancy. The pregnancy I imagined before was a pleasant and warm phase because it would always be accompanied by the husband. But the reality is we were separated by miles away, especially since this was my first pregnancy.
When I found out I was getting a pregnancy diagnosis we were not in the same place. Feels happy, but also sad because it means I have to be ready to go through this pregnancy by being far away from my husband. Although nowadays it is increasingly sophisticated because it can make video calls any time, but the feels is certainly different.
I am so grateful that our family's response was very good in this pregnancy. They gave us full of support. From accompanying doctor visits, facilitating transpositation and helping to meet the nutritional needs of our future babies. The warmth from my husband, should have given besides me, now come up and I'm so grateful for that.
There was a lot of commotion that occurred during this pregnancy journy between my husband and me. Starting from the tight schedule and contrasting with the mood swing that I had. Not infrequently we make a fuss about things that are small to big. But again, we always remember the aim of our marriage. Especially at this time, we will welcome new members in our family. We assure each other that whatever happens will always make us strong, as long as our goals are the same. That's what always made me feel calm again, warm again, even though we were apart.
This pregnancy is a gift. God is confident that we will be able to get through this even if we are not in the same place. God has given me a home that is as warm as my husband, which is our family. I always remember the things that happened that accompanied the growth of my fetus. All the changes that have occurred, the developments that continue to be present, I am very grateful for. Because I knew that whatever I felt would be felt by my fetus as well. When I grow up well and go through the days very well then my fetus will feel better in my womb. And for my husband, let's grow a lot better together, grow into threes as soon as possible.
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