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Bugaboo Ant Complete Stroller Black Steel Blue - Stroller Bayi (Biru)
Bugaboo Ant—the lightest, most compact travel stroller yet. Going on a big family adventure, or staying closer to home? The Bugaboo Ant is full of smart features that will make traveling with children easier and more enjoyable, wherever you go. The Bugaboo Ant is suitable from birth and comes with integrated attachment points for the comfort wheeled board. Specifications Suitable from birth up to 50 lbs. Rear wheel suspension & front wheel suspension. Reversible seat, facing world and parent. Facing world: 2 positions, facing parent: 3 positions (seated, relax, flat). Fully supportive and adjustable backrest to follow the height of your child. Easily fold into one piece, from any configuration. Most compact fold is 21.6 x 14.9 x 9.1 in. Weight: 15.8 lbs. Pull along trolley mode in 2 positions.
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5.0 /5
2y agoReport
5.0 /5
Simple sangat rekomendasi buat traveling
Harga memang menentukan kualitas, sangat rekomendasi untuk traveling dan sangat awetHarga memang menentukan kualitas, sangat rekomendasi untuk traveling dan sangat awet
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5.0 /5
2y agoReport
5.0 /5
Stroler paling enak
Ini paling gampang dipakenya. Bida dengan mudah pindah pegangannyaIni paling gampang dipakenya. Bida dengan mudah pindah pegangannya
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5.0 /5
2y agoReport
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Gampang pemakainnya
Ada harga, dan ada manfaatnya, kepake sampai adiknya jugaAda harga, dan ada manfaatnya, kepake sampai adiknya juga
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